Friday, June 14, 2013

Royal Jelly from Manuka Health

Part of my Fertility Plan this year is taking fertility supplements. Since I've done Clomid, acupuncture, Chinese herbal tea, eating brown rice and muesli, and using organic toiletries, I think it's time I try these supplements. Trying to conceive seems like a trial and error project for me. I can't do the same thing and expect a different result.

First on my fertility supplement list is Royal Jelly. It is said that royal jelly is the superfood for fertility. Many women claimed its effectiveness in getting pregnant so I have to try it. Royal Jelly is available in different forms: fresh, capsules/tablets, or powdered. They say fresh royal jelly is the best form. The nearest seller of fresh royal jelly to my home is Ilog Maria in Tagaytay. I may have to visit the honeybee farm and buy some.

I searched online and ordered a bottle of Royal Jelly Capsules at Manuka Health. A bottle has 180 capsules, good for 6 months, and costs P1,700. A cap costs about P9.44. My order arrived after three days.

The cap is a bit large but good thing I can easily ingest medicines. I have no difficulty swallowing the capsule. Hope this royal jelly improves my health and hormonal balance in the near future.

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