Sunday, July 17, 2011

10th Acupuncture + 3rd HPV Shot

This is the day of my 10th acupuncture and the third (last) HPV shot.

I first went to Friendly Care to be listed as one of Dra. Aguilar's many patients that day. I'm #12. After the nurse checked my blood pressure and weight, processed my health card, I was free to wait for Dra. or come back later. Coming back later is more productive than waiting since I can do my other errands, such as my acupuncture. :)
I arrived 20 minutes before the acupuncture clinic hours and was immediately ushered to cubicle 1. Seems like a not-so-busy day today unlike my 9th session.

Sister Regina came in the cubicle after a few minutes. She read my chart and asked about the usual stuff (cycle, herbal medicine, arrival of husband, etc.). She told me to have a TVS (transvaginal sonogram) on day 11 or 16 on my next cycle. She will be leaving the country and won't be back till August 21. If my ultrasound still is not OK (I didn't ovulate for the cycle), I can still come to the clinic. Another nun can help me. I do pray my ultrasound will be OK.

As I lay there after Sister Regina inserted the needles, I counted the approximate date days 11 and 16 will be on my next cycle. I guessed about the first week of August, maybe on my birthday even. :)

I used the deep breathing patterns used during yoga class to relax my mind. Deep inhalation. Deep exhalation. I tried not to think about anything aside from my breath. Why is it when you want to clear your mind, tons of things come into your head instead? Try as I may to relax and meditate, ideas come to my head. But after a few minutes, I fell asleep, which is what I want during acupuncture.

I woke up and waited for one of Sister Regina's assistants. None came. I wonder if I just slept for a few minutes even if I felt I slept a good 20 minutes or so. I don't have a watch so I'm not sure how many minutes has passed. At last an assistant came and removed the needles. I glanced at the clinic's clock and my session lasted for 45 minutes. :)

3rd HPV shot

I went back to Friendly Care to have my third and last HPV shot. Yoohoo! When I came to Dra. Aguilar's clinic, she was already in and was with patient #10. Good. Only a few minutes of waiting.

When I went inside Dra. Aguilar's clinic, she said it has been a long time (last time I went was April) and finally, I'm graduating with my HPV shots. The vaccine was given quick with a bit pinch on my left arm.

As she was removing the sticker on the vaccine's box to put on my file, I was debating in my head whether to tell her about taking the herbal medicines of Sister Regina. Call me coward but I wasn't able to muster the courage to tell her. I'm shy, I guess. I know she has nothing against acupuncture, but still I went mute.


  1. hi! I saw your site while searching about accupuncture with the clinic at Panay Ave. I am also considering to do this after my 3 month take of Fertility blend.

    May I ask if you took Cervical cancer shots? Kasi when I went to a my OB last year, the nurses said that you cannot take those shots if you wish to get pregnant for 6months.

  2. Hi Dins, welcome to my blog.

    Yes, the HPV shots should be taken within 6 months (2nd shot - after a month of the 1st shot and 3rd shot - 6 months after the 1st). The nurses are right to say that. If you start the HPV shot then get pregnant later on without completing the 3 shots yet, the shot you have taken will be useless. You have to wait until you give birth then start another 3-shot cycle of HPV.


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