Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I've been nesting. Again. Since it seems our little angel will not be coming to us anytime soon, might as well focus my attention to our future house. God-willing, we plan to start house construction next year. Woohoo!

I've been looking for room designs and thinking how our future house will look like. It's a fun exercise!

I saw this website called Floorplanner which allows registered users to design their house, office, etc. I'm still a beginner and still learning the ropes and it makes me giddy inside.

Also, I've been checking out these wonderful websites: Young House Love and The Lettered Cottage. They're DIY couples who renovate, thrift, craft, etc. anything to make their home beautiful at a low cost. I do hope I have some creative skills and guts to do DIY stuff in our house. 


  1. It's great that you're keeping yourself busy with many things. Having these fallbacks will keep your mind off the stress of trying to conceive. Wish we could talk soon. However, I'm not sure if you'd appreciate my rants and rambles--baka makadagdag sa negativity! LOL! But I miss you na!

  2. Hi Cheps! Yes, I can keep my mind off TTC now. We'll all pass through all these "issues" in time.


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