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August 2010
I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, more known as PCOS. It seems I have anovulatory cycles. Meaning, I don't ovulate regularly or not at all, despite having regular menses. This is a big factor of us not getting pregnant obviously. Husband and I underwent a fertility workup for two cycles. We were not successful in getting pregnant.
November 2010
My husband has left for a 9-month contract overseas. I consulted with another OB in the city (nearer to where I live and work) who specializes in Infertility cases to know what I can do to help me overcome PCOS and get pregnant eventually. She discussed with me the different stages of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). Based on the stages, it seems I'm done with Stage 1 which is taking up Clomid. She recommends an HSG exam a month before Hubby returns home. I don't want to have that exam yet. I feel it's too early. To sum up the consultation, all I can do is wait till my husband comes back so we can start with a fertility workup.
I cannot wait nine long months without doing anything to help me conceive. So, I searched all over the Internet and read books about fertility. Seems I can try acupuncture and change my diet.
December 2010
I went to see Sister Regina Liu, an acupuncturist known in the TTC (trying-to-conceive) world. She read my ultrasound result and advised me to have acupuncture every other week for three months. After that, I' ll go back to my OB to have a TVS.
April 2011
I went to the OB, full of high hopes that acupuncture has done its miracle of balancing my hormones and chi. Hopefully I am now ovulating without the aid of Clomid. Turns out, I'm still not ovulating. I went home dejected.
May - June 2011
Sister Regina prescribed a herbal tea. I drank it twice a day for about 9 days. After finishing the bottle, she gave me two bottles of herbal tea, different from the first one.
July 2011
I missed the OB at the clinic. :(
August 2011
I got my TVS. It says I'm ovulating naturally! On Cycle day 15, I have 16mm follicle (which will mature to release an egg in about two days) in the right ovary. Woohoo!!!
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