Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Little Imelda in Me

I thought of creating my own inspiration board for our wedding. Different wedsites (wedding websites) seem to have loads of inspiration boards and I was "inspired" to create one. I'll search for pictures of wedding items that I want to have in our wedding.

First stop, shoes!
I want to reuse my wedding shoes. I don't plan on spending for shoes which I could only use once, as the case with most wedding shoes. It's such a sad plight of wedding shoes that after much photo ops before the wedding and a little glimpse of that shoes during the Toss the Garter, that pair of shoes then goes into the closet after the wedding. Never to be used again. Stored in the closet to be damaged by dust and molds.

I want my shoes to! Who says wedding shoes must be white/silver/gold? If I have my pink shoes in our wedding, when I walk you could see a teenee bit of pink underneath my gown. Cute noh?
I need my shoes to be low heeled. I'm slightly taller than The Cook (shhh! Don't tell him!) so I'll stay away with high-heeled shoes. I'll just think that if I have high heels, my feet would kill me during the wedding. :0

Browsing the Internet, I found these beautiful pink, low heel shoes!

Shoe 1 from footwearstudio
Shoes 2 and 3 from instyleweddings

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