Now that we are pushing through with IUI, I want to learn more about the procedure. I saw a 3D animation on YouTube. We decided to have IUI in PGH where the cost is cheaper.
I hope to be prepared in all aspects when "The" day comes. We hope that we will be successful now.
The two-week wait ended in a red flow. On the dot. I had very high hopes that the past cycle would be "THE CYCLE" when I would get pregnant. On my first cycle day, I proclaimed that I would conceive. I left my career in the city to prioritize starting our own family. My days were less stressful in the province. I sorta felt like pregnant in the past days.
Tears start to build around my eyes as I write this. Another frustration. I can't help but ask why not this time?
What is the two-week wait? The two-week wait (2ww) is the time that makes TTC couples crazy. You wait and pray, hoping that by the end of two weeks, you will miss your period and there will be two lines in the pregnancy test. Hehe. Hubby and I are now in this crazy time (actually, he has no idea about the 2ww). I haven't told him yet the date when I should have a pregnancy test. I don't want him to be excited waiting for that date and then bursting his excitement with the red day. During the 2ww, I force myself to think about things other than conception. But, I fail all the time. I always count the calendar days even if I know it by heart! To my TTC friends, how do you spend your 2ww?
Trying to conceive can be an exciting, stressful, and lonesome journey. Sometimes, I feel I'm alone dealing with infertility. Don't get me wrong. My Hubby is always there for me, encouraging me, and telling me to be positive but sometimes, I need some girl friend who experiences or had experienced what I'm experiencing right now. I'm thankful for you readers, commenters, and those TTC women who spared time to write me. Knowing that there are other women out there who are also in this journey make it not so lonesome anymore. Mwah!
I've resigned from my company where I've been employed for six years. I was contemplating about a sabbatical for a few months and now, I finally went out of my comfort zone. I'm lucky and very thankful that I have the choice to do so. Not all employees, especially those who are trying to get pregnant, have the choice or opportunity to leave the security of employment for a chance to create a family of their own. Hubby and I are now staying in the province. We enjoy breathing the fresh and cool air and seeing more greens than gray. We now go to the grocery and wet market to buy healthy and nutritious food on a daily basis. Traffic jam is non existent (praise the Lord!) and stress levels are lessened. Hopefully, God-willing, this change of environment will do us some good and help us in getting pregnant.
Healthy eating is the way to go to optimize fertility. Include more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, folic acid, and vitamin supplement in your diet. To know more, check out the website of The National Infertility Association.
I read that the effect of Clomid, the ovulation inducing drug, is increased when taken with Vitamin C. You can take the supplement or you can eat fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C. Here is a list of produce rich in Vitamin C which we can include in our meals.
I went to Friendly Care for follicle monitoring with Dra. Aguilar. Good thing I stayed and waited in the hospital instead of coming back later that afternoon. She was leaving early and she only faced her patients who were in the waiting area. Thank God that the TVS showed I have a 19mm follicle about to mature in my right ovary (20mm is the mature size). I have two smaller ones in my left ovary. I'm only at cycle day 11, and I have a maturing follicle. Woohoo!!! She asked me how I felt about insemination. Insemination?!? She explained that the insemination she was talking about was not a test tube baby, but Intrauterine insemination (IUI). It would cost P10,000 when done at Philippine General Hospital (PGH) and P15,000 at St. Luke's Global. I told her not this cycle yet. I have to talk with Hubby about it. As much as I wanted to get pregnant, I hope to conceive naturally, if possible. Oh God, I hope to get pregnant this cycle.
Marc and Angel Hack Life Here is a website worth reading for those of us who sometimes "forget" how beautiful life is. Between the stress I have at work and dealing with infertility, it's good to have something to read that enlightens me. Enjoy!
Many say chances of conception rise after an HSG procedure. Since the liquid dye from the procedure "cleans" the fallopian tubes, it's much easier for the sperm and egg to meet. We were very hopeful after I had the HSG and learned that there was no blockage in my tubes. I thought we would be able to conceive that cycle. But, Aunt Flo came on the dot. :( The first time I took Clomid two years ago, we were very excited, learning that couples get pregnant after taking the ovulation inducing drug. After Clomid, having a shot of Pregnyl helps the egg to rupture and be released to the fallopian tubes. We were more hopeful that time. Then the HSG. We were looking forward to getting pregnant. Even Dra. Aguilar prescribed 100 tablets of folic acid since she said I would get pregnant. Still, we weren't able to conceive. What's the problem? It just frustrates me sometimes. I can't help but think that maybe we are experiencing difficulty getting pregnant because we are busy with several things. We weren't able to sit down, relax and just enjoy the journey towards conception.
I'm a writer by profession and a reader by heart. This blog started as a venue to record my wedding planning escapades. And now, I'm keeping it to journal my stories on being married to an OFW, dealing with infertility, my quest to lead a healthy and "green" life and trying to have a baby. Read our TTC journey here For inquiries, email me: joysi(dot)writer(at)gmail(dot)com.