life. books. food. trying to conceive.
Lauat Hair Treatment Shampoo
Available at Watson's, Mercury Drug Store, South Star drug, all major supermarkets
"This exclusive formulation promotes hair growth and controls excessive hair fall by deeply cleansing, nourishing and revitalizing hair follicles for that naturally soft and healthy, fresh full hair."
ZEN Hair & Scalp cream (for falling hair) 50 gm P160.00"A highly dependable leave on conditioner. When used lightly, it can be your everyday hair moisturizer for treating hairfall and dandruff, apply after your evening bath allowing the botanicals to soak and seep through your scalp pores. Leave on overnight, repeat every other night until symptoms disappear."
Another idea that I've been thinking about in the past few days is using bokoma, a scalp massager. It helps increase blood circulation on your head which promotes hair growth.
I hope I can get rid of this hair fall/loss.
We chose to watch the May 7 concert (P500/ticket) since the other performance date, April 30, costs P1,000 with cocktails. :) The venue was at the Serenade Hall near the Makati Medical Center.
The concert began with Ms. Miyako singing four broadway songs: Sound of Music (from "The Sound of Music"), Tonight (from "West Side Story"), I Could Have Danced All Night (from "My Fair Lady") and Memory (from "Cats"). Ms. Tatsuta (say: tats-ta) accompanied Ms. Miyako.
The concert ended with Ms. Miyako singing three Japanese songs (Cherry Blossom, Cherry Blossom Alley and I forgot the other one) and three folk songs from UK, Scotland and Ireland.