Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hair Fall

I've been losing hair more than the usual. They say it's normal to lose 50-100 strands of hair everyday. But I think I have more falling hair than the next Juana. Every morning as I comb my hair, I feel strands of hair falling on my arm. I see strands of hair on the floor and on the bed. Washing my hair makes it worse. My falling hair clogs the bathroom drain! I have a sister and I don't notice she loses as much hair as I do. I've been in denial for the past months but time to face reality. I-am-losing-hair-big-time!

Some articles about hair loss say it is caused by genetics, illness, over/under activity of thyroid gland or poor diet and nutrition. Other articles include having PCOS to be causing hair loss. Waaah!

What should I do? I'm afraid I'm going bald. I've searched the Internet for natural ways/products to treat hair loss. So far, here are the products available in the Philippine market:

Novuhair Topical Scalp lotion

Available at Mercury Drug stores and at Cory Quirino World of Wellness

"NOVUHAIR is a combination of natural herbs, essential oils and co-factor nutrients which are proven and used for centuries to cure hair problems. NOVUHAIR penetrates deep to rejuvenate, nourish and maintain moisture in the scalp and hair. By improving the blood circulation in the scalp, NOVUHAIR stimulates hair growth and prevents further hair fall. NOVUHAIR also improves the overall appearance of hair."

It costs P2,000+. Oh my!

Lauat Hair Treatment Shampoo
Available at Watson's, Mercury Drug Store, South Star drug, all major supermarkets

"This exclusive formulation promotes hair growth and controls excessive hair fall by deeply cleansing, nourishing and revitalizing hair follicles for that naturally soft and healthy, fresh full hair."

ZEN Hair & Scalp cream (for falling hair) 50 gm P160.00

"A highly dependable leave on conditioner. When used lightly, it can be your everyday hair moisturizer for treating hairfall and dandruff, apply after your evening bath allowing the botanicals to soak and seep through your scalp pores. Leave on overnight, repeat every other night until symptoms disappear."

Another idea that I've been thinking about in the past few days is using
bokoma, a scalp massager. It helps increase blood circulation on your head which promotes hair growth.

I hope I can get rid of this hair fall/loss.

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