Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I'm a Busy Bee
Don't set your date after the holidays.
It is a budget, timeline and planning nightmare! Waah!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Invites...Ready for Take Off
I let them decide the style on how to tie the ribbon of the invite since it is only one page. They can do which way they want to ribbon it. I have an organza ribbon in chocolate brown which I bought in Divisoria (P100 for 1 roll or 100 yards).
As they were doing that, I did the guest list. The names of the guests will be printed on a sticker paper so there is no need to handwrite the names in the invite. Lesson learned: Finalize the guest list, complete with their names and professional designations in life (Dr., Atty., Judge, etc.), before assembling your invites. It took time for me before I was able to finalize that list. The Cook didn't know the full names of some of his relatives. Argh!
Another lesson learned: You can print the "We have reserved ___ seats for you." in the invite. I was thinking of not putting that in the invite, thinking we could just spread this information through word of mouth that we are having a small wedding. But, my pink fairies said that guests will think twice of bringing their whole clan to the wedding if this vital information is printed in the invite. So, I printed the reserved seats info in sticker paper and decided to put it at the back of the invite.
At the end of the day, we were able to finish all the invites (too many. I overestimated).
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Turning Green
So now, given the little time left till The Day (5 weekends!!), I am thinking how we can pull this off. I am mentally imagining which nurseries are in our area where we can buy the plants. Also, C, the wife of The Cook's brother, said the Horticulture department in UP Los Banos (UPLB) sells different kinds of seeddlings that I may want to check out.
Hope this wedding project turns out fine.
Friday, December 4, 2009
The Invites Have Arrived
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Meeting with the Florist

She was very helpful and gave alot of insights during our discussion. I told her I wanted Calla Lillies for the entourage and pink roses for my bouquet. For the aisle, initially, I was thinking of using a bunch of Asters to save costs but she said that option is more costly since it would take 2 kgs of Asters (around P320) to make an Aster bouquet. So, scrap that idea.
We talked about the flowers and leaves to use for the altar, the images of saints, corsage, etc. All in all, the total cost for the flowers is P2,000 (around ($41). Since she is a friend of Inay's, she gave a small fee for her labor. Thanks Sister Lanie!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
(Excitedly) Waiting for the Invites
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Villa Luciana
My BFF suggested a resort at a nearby baranggay. We went there to see the place. Coincidentally, there was a birthday party when we went to the resort. And Inay was a guest. :) We talked with the owner of the place and she gave us the price for renting the place. She was kind and since we are from the same area, she gave us a friendly-price. We asked if the sound system be included in her price. She said YES! So, the next day, we went back and paid the 50% downpayment to book the place.
So now, no more reception woes. And Cheps can now revise the invitation content and start printing. Woohoo!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Our rings

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Reception Woes
September 2009
Inay and I visited the venue to see it for the first time. We were mesmerized and immediately liked the place. See post here. I told the resort staff that I want to use it for a wedding reception and she suggested alot of things like I can use the Master Bedroom during my pre-wedding photos, I can put the cake on the mini pool, etc. She said the rate in P6,000 for 12 hours of use. Affordable, right?
October 2009
The Cook and I went back to the resort for him to see the place and finally make the downpayment and book it for the wedding. The staff that I talked with before (Resort Staff 1) was on leave so we talked with another staff (Resort Staff 2). She called the owner of the resort to ask for the rates. She said it is now P8,000. Eight thousand?! A P2,000 increase from the previous month. I was taken aback by this since we budgeted P6,000 for venue rentals. We didn't book the place and will go back and talk to Resort Staff 1 in another time.
November 2009
We modified our budget to include the rental fee increase. I called the resort to see if Resort Staff 1 (RS1) is there. She isn't. The Cook and I went to the venue, hoping to finally book the place at P8,000. But lo and behold! Resort Staff 2 (RS2) said that their rate is P10,000. She said Resort Staff 1 thought that the event was for a birthday that's why she gave the P6,000 rate. I told her that it was impossible for RS1 to mistook the event as a birthday since I clearly told her that it was for a wedding. But RS2 insisted that there was a misunderstanding between me and RS1. And she gave other nonsense reasons why the rate is P10k (the guests are too many, they will have to pay more for the cleaning staff, etc). All bulls**t!
We were irritated by this constant changes in rental fees. They were booking the venue for other events, don't they know their rates that they keep on increasing it everytime we go there?! And this claim that there was a misunderstanding about what event the venue will be used, that's obviously a lie.
So now, that resort is off the list. I told Cheps not to start printing the invites since the reception venue is not yet final.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Pre-Cana Seminar
There were nine couples in the seminar and the first speaker was a retired teacher from the same school where Inay used to teach. She talked about responsibilities of a person to his/her partner. After an hour or so, another speaker came to discuss about Catechism. She also reminded us the prayers we should know as Catholics and how to properly make the sign of the Cross. :)
That afternoon, a retired teacher discussed about married life. About how to properly deal with marital problems that will arise. After the first day of seminar, I realized that what the speakers were teaching us was marriage is a very sacred thing and only death can make a couple part. Whatever problems, crisis, differences should be discussed by both partners, even with the help of a counselor to be able to resolve those. In short, there is no reason for a husband and wife to separate. Makes you think...
The next day, the seminar is only for a half-day. Another co-teacher of Inay was the speaker. :) And she always gave The Cook and my names whenever she gave sample situations. The Cook said among all the speakers, he liked this speaker best. He wasn't sleepy and learned alot from her. :)
I truly enjoyed these seminars. It makes you realize the gravity of the responsibilities you will be facing and the joys of married life. It prepares couples as they start on living as one.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Church Preparation

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Gifts for the Pink Fairies

As a token of gratitude to the help that they will be giving us, I thought of giving them small gifts. I'll give them shower gels and aromatherapy soaps. Good thing they were on sale that time! I think they are the first items that I bought related to the wedding.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Family Planning Seminar
We arrived at the Health Center and there were couples already waiting. We signed a log book and saw that most of our batchmates in the seminar are having their weddings in November. I thought, "Are we the only ones who attended the seminar too early?" But, scanning the pages, there were couples marrying in January who already attended the seminar. We were not alone. :)
The first topic, the speaker talked about having a married life and the responsibilities to your partner and future children. The second topic is about family planning methods. But I think the seminar was a little bit too late for some of the soon-to-be-wives since they are obviously soon-to-be-moms also. :)
When it was time to discuss the family planning methods, I was laughing when the speaker talked about condoms. She joked about how to put it and who should put it and discard it. I won't tell you who should do what. :)
After the seminar, the speaker gave us our certificates and told us that we may give a donation at their donation box.
I enjoyed the seminar since I learned alot (not only about family planning) but about living with another person for the rest of your life. I learned pointers on how to go about once I become a wife and a mother.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Requesting a Marriage License
When you're living in a small town, it's more likely that you'll meet someone you know wherever you are. Case in point, The Cook. When we where at the Municipal Hall, everyone whom we transacted business with knew him. His eldest brother works at the MH and they immediately recognized The Cook. Even the Cashier staff whom we paid the license to is a cousin of The Cook. Small world. Silent wedding, be gone.
After Municipal Hall, we went to the Parish and submitted my Affidavit of Baptism (since my Baptismal Certificate is nowhere to be found). They gave us another document confirming that I was indeed baptized as a Catholic. The secretary advised us to keep a copy of the two documents for future reference. Since my original Baptismal Certificate is gone, I have these two documents as proof of it.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuxedo Mask
We bought the fabrics for the tux in one small shop. Then, the saleslady informed us that we should buy other materials for the tux and referred us to another shop. In this second shop, the saleslady imeediately got the set for the makings of a tux and gave us the price. It seems that creating a tux is more "mabusisi", not to mention more costly than my gown. :)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Divisoria Day
The Cook wasn't able to go with us because he has an appointment with a doctor. :(
We went to Tabora, the mecca of all clothing stuffs. My Tita is a frequent buyer (suki) in one of the many fabric shops in Tabora so we had lots of discounts (one fabric was P50 less per yard).
Here is where we bought the fabrics:

Here is my Tita, choosing fabrics:

Silk Georgette
Gina cloth (lining)
Veil cloth
I forgot the prices though. But they were less than P1,500.
The fabric shop also sells wedding accessories so I bought the arrhae, cord and veil. I chose the simplest designs so I could personalize them myself. :)
Friday, October 30, 2009
Looking for a Photographer 2
I then asked my friend Cheps if she knows somebody to take our pictures. She said her sister and friends are photo enthusiasts and may be able to do wedding shots. Yippee!
Photography services down, now with the albums. Since we are inclined to hiring amateur photographers, I immediately searched the Internet for album makers. And I found out that there are services like that here in the Philippines. One is Picture Shop and the other is Photobook. You can check out ther websites and see their works and rates.
I told Inay about my idea of hiring an amateur yet artistic photographer and then sending our pictures to the album maker. This would definitely lessen the photography costs. Of course, being a mother, she had doubts about this idea. She said the photos may fade, wrinkle, etc. in time.
Then, the next day, much to my surprise, my siblings talked about my so-called foto dilemma without my knowledge. They decided to shoulder the photography costs just to lighten the load for us. Yey!
I sort of defended the Cook and I (you know, EGO). I don't want to give them the impression that we could not afford photo services. I told them that we have a budget for a photographer, but it is not enough to hire a non-traditional photographer.
Still, they insisted on paying, so thank you my wonderful siblings. Mwah!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Looking for a Photographer
1. artistic
2. shoots non-traditional images
3. charges budget-friendly fees
The thing which I want our photographer to be is someone who can take creative and candid shots (I think it's called "photojournalistic" here). When you look at wedding photo albums here, you'll see the same poses and shots. I am more of a candid shot type of bride. I don't want to be given directions everytime, every move, like a robot. Directions of how to project and pose are welcome but not every single time! I believe that a good photographer worth his price can get the emotions and moment without telling his subject what to do. Check out One Love Photo. Those are the pictures which are uncommon in traditional wedding photos. Those are the pictures that I like! Like! Like!
I found a budget-friendly photographer in Lipa. They have a package for budget-conscious brides like me. I would have settled for them considering that I am having difficulties finding a professional photographer within our budget. But my sister said that the photos are traditional and she knows someone who shoots beautiful photos. I was like, yes yes tell more!
(To be continued...)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
invitation designs
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Baptismal Certificate, where are you?
1. Baptismal and Confirmation Certificates - from the Church
2. Birth certificate - from the National Statistics Office (NSO)
3. CENOMAR (Certificate of Non-Marriage) - from NSO
4. Marriage License - from the municipality hall
Right now, we are having a problem regarding my Baptismal Certificate. It's not in the Books of the Church. Good thing I have my Confirmation certificate (which is given if you were baptized as a Catholic) so they cannot question if I was baptized or not. The personnel which we talked with said that I need to present the original copy of my Baptismal certificate and update their Books. If not, I need to submit an affidavit of loss and a document from my mother and/or Godmother stating that I was indeed baptized as Catholic. Such a hassle...
So now, I asked Inay to dig up all the documents at our house in the hopes of finding the original copy of the Baptismal Certificate. If this elusive Baptismal Certificate never appears, I just might have to produce several documents they needed. Wish me luck!
Last Septermber 27, amidst rains due to typhoon Ondoy, the Cook and his family came to our house to formally announce our engagement or "pamulungan".
My relatives from my parent's side also came to our house to "witness" the event. It was heartwarming that even my uncle who is in a wheelchair also came to the "pamulungan". :)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
We (correction, He) quickly moved appliances to the cabinets and put my books and shoes in plastic bags. Me, I was standing at the center of the room looking at the flood as it quickly seeped into the bedroom. I was almost crying in disbelief that the place which I call home is suddenly being ransacked by flood. I was in shock. In short, I was a damsel in distress (* kicks meself).
After putting important things into safety, The Cook and I hurriedly left the apartment. He left his luggage above the cabinet since it was heavy. We were shocked at what we saw outside. The flood inside the apartment was knee-deep, outside, it was chest-high! We bravely crossed the flood, holding our bags above our heads. There was no flood outside our street and we waited for a ride there.
We left the apartment at 11am and finally got home at 11pm. 12 hours of waiting rides, commuting and traffic! I was sad that The Cook had to be welcomed by a typhoon. I know he was tired from his flight but he was the one who did all the work in ensuring our safety. He kept assuring me that it was a good thing that we were still in the apartment when the flood happened. We were able to safekeep some of our belongings.
Even it rained hard and flooded in many cities, I still believe that God is merciful. The typhoon could have happened during office/school hours, or at night. But the typhoon hit us on a weekend where everybody was at home, with the family. Stuff that we lose can be replaced, our loved ones, irreplaceable.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Cook Returns
(I try not to panic as I look at the calendar and realize that we have a few months left till The Day.)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Guest List
Since the Cook and I cannot do anything yet about the wedding, we drafted our guest list so we'll know how may will be invited. We agreed to have a maximum of 40 guests each, including the drivers. I want everybody at the reception to eat and have fun. I attended a wedding before wherein the yayas of the flower girls and ring bearers are sitting in one corner since there is not enough room at the reception hall for them. Sad. :(
My list: 39
His list: 37
It's a tight race. I hope we could stick to these numbers.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Invitation colors

Colors. I told her that I liked pink and brown. I never realized that I should be more specific. I know that there are different shades of a color but I was amazed how one color could have it own family of colors.
I checked out Answers.com for a list of colors and their pantone. There's Light Pink, Salmon Pink, Amaranth (first time I ever heard) and even Hot Pink and Shocking Pink. I gave Cheps the list of shades of pink and brown that I like from the myriads of pinks and browns available in the palette. I told her to be in-charge of what specific colors to use, the important thing for me is that they should be pink and brown. I'll not be OC about their shades. :)
Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tick Tock
So far, my friend Cheps is starting with the invite design. Yehey!
And, the Cook and I have our initial (hopefully the final) draft for the guest list. :)
That's all what we have right now.
Friday, September 4, 2009

Isn't this invite creative and fun? If I receive this kind of invitation, I'll be excited to attend and feel giddy that I was invited. To see more of this library-themed invitation, check it out in this iDIY post.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Body Scrubs, Bubble Baths and Everything Nice
I love body scrubs, lotions, beautiful soaps, and everything smelling nice. As I think about what to give my bridesmaids and friends who will help me in the wedding preparation, I saw DIY projects which I can do and give to my friends. I can have a basket full of these goodies.These projects have the instructions and printable labels too!
Bubble Bath
This DIY project is from Eat, Chic, Drink.
This body scrub calls for 4 ingredients only. But, I don't know yet where I can buy the Epsom salt.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Candy Favor

You can get instructions in the Martha Stewart website (of course).
Monday, August 31, 2009
Favor Idea

Problem is, I don't know how to sew, but my Inay does. :)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Catering Service
During my visit to the possible reception venue, I told you that there was a caterer setting up the place. It turned out that it was the same caterer that Inay was talking to me about before. After talking with Ms. Malou, we went back to the reception area to talk with the caterer, Ms. Amy.
I gave her an idea of what I wanted in our reception and informed her that what I want is not the usual type. I wanted long tables instead of round ones. No presidential table since I don't want our guests watch us eat. And I feel uncomfortable in the idea of us being in the pedestal while guests are having fun away from us. :) I want a breakfast buffet (she confessed it would be their first). Those were just the tip of the iceberg.
Ms. Amy said she would research about Filipino breakfast menu that they could serve before we talk about the cost. Since she's a church-goer also, I can just talk to her after mass.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Garden Resort
Upon entering, there are plants and big rocks decorating the beautiful landscape. Ms. Malou first showed us the reception area. A caterer is setting up the place for a baptismal party happening later that day so I had a view on how the place would look like with all the tables and chairs. The area is near a kiddie and adult pool (7 ft) and more tables and chairs are arranged beside the pool. She said we could scatter flowers or have a floating cake in the kiddie pool if we want. :) There is a comfort room which is important for me in parties. Guests need not go very far to use the toilet.
Next, she showed us the lounge area. I could also rent the lounge area complete with a toilet, room with 2 double-decks and an attic (where mattresses are available and could be laid out for people to sleep, just in case). The spiral staircase going to the attic is narrow only one person at a time can climb, though.
There is a small grotto at the corner of a manicured lawn. A basketball area/parking area can also be used if there are more guests at the party. These are also included when renting the place. Electricity and amenities, all in. Wonderful!
Inay and I were very happy in our visit. The place was beyond what I expected. Since it is in the province I thought it would just be some ordinary looking resort, but no.
Before leaving, Ms. Malou gave me a folder with pictures of the place. She showed me the sample contract and I was kinda surprised that it was all in one page only. Very simple. I thought contracts are composed of a lot of clauses and whatnot.
Hopefully the Cook and I can finalize the time of our wedding so we could finally book the place.
Pictures will be posted soon since I'm having problems uploading them.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
How to be a Great Daughter-in Law
I highlighted this statement:
Show respect and compassion to your husband's mother even when you don't feel like it.
(runs to the nearest EXIT. Screaming!!!) :)
Monday, August 17, 2009
DIY by Martha

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Pre-marriage checklist
I found an article entitled "A Pre-Marriage Checklist" that couples should read before tying the knot. It is a checklist of important things to consider before marrying. It includes different scenarios of married people who are having smooth relationships and those who are having problems.
The Eight Areas to Discuss with your partner:
- Personality Adjustment
- Life Goals
- Intellectual and Cultural Interests
- Education
- Vocation
- Family Involvement
- Friends
- Spiritual Interests
It's true that you can never know a person unless you've lived with that person. That's why there are pre-marriage counseling sessions to allow couples understand more about their partners before marrying. So, you might want to check the article here.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Pink and brown favors
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Pre-Marriage Counseling

I found in the Internet a handbook for engaged couples. It provides great insights on various topics tackled in pre-marriage counseling. But, I can't seem to find where I got it. :(
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Reception activities
I would like to have dancing at our reception but I'm not sure if our guests (mostly elders) are up to it. :)
I found a list from the 2000 Dollar Wedding blog on how to have fun during a wedding reception. I like the hiring of palm readers and playing Bingo. :)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Martha Stewart Weddings

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Yoga class

Going to the yoga studio was a bit tricky for me. The studio is located in a gated compound. Once inside, I asked the guard for directions to the studio. I had some difficulty locating the studio proper since there are no signs in the building. Elevators are hidden and there are no people around to ask directions from. I felt like I was isolated in that wonderful and luxurious place.
Finally, I was able to get to the studio. Yes! The floor is wooden and the studio overlooks into two swimming pools. An incense was burning while a soft chanting music was playing in the background. Relaxation indeed. I rolled out my mat and tried to calm my nerves since this is my first time in this class. The yoga teacher, Jon, immediately noticed that I'm new and gave me some instructions on what to do, especially how to breathe properly in class.
How to breathe?
Inhale through the nose.
Exhale through the nose with vibrating sound in the throat. Like Darth Vader.
The class starts with chanting with Jon in the lead. It was followed by a series of poses called Surya Namaskar. We were asked to repeat the series 5 times. My mat neighbor, Beth, is new in class also so Jon gave us the same series of poses to practice. We repeated the series a few times so we could memorize it.
At the end of the class, my hands were slightly shaking. I feel some slight aches in my arms and side abs. I think my muscles were shocked to have been doing yoga poses again after a long time. :)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
DIY Wedding Ideas
Have fun!
Monday, August 3, 2009
First Day of Yoga Class

I am a little bit (a teeny bit) nervous. I feel like I might be intimidated since, browsing through the yoga studio's website, the studio caters to Class A and B students. I'm neither. :) But, who cares, right? I don't know them and they don't know me. We're there for the same purpose.
Wish me luck!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wedding Invitations

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Wheatgrass Juice

Wheatgrass juice is available at the Salcedo Saturday Market from Mr. Arthur Tanco's stall (who hails from the province where I came from!). He sells wheatgrass juice (P60 a shot), the actual wheatgrass (P100 a tray) and wheatgrass juicer (manual and automatic). I'm excited to visit his stall and learn more about wheatgrass juice. I'll go the Market when The Cook returns so we could both enjoy and learn.
If I do go the wheatgrass juice route, I think it would be more cost-effective if I plant the wheatgrass and juice it myself. I found a supplier of wheatgrass seeds and kit from Mr. Seeds.
Anybody who tried wheatgrass juice?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
First Look

I was wondering if we could also do that here, not before the ceremony but after. AFTER. I was thinking of doing this before going to the reception. When we're alone at that supposed-to-be-first-look, we could read our letters to each other. Something private and meaningful before we join our guests and get lost in hugs, chit-chats, etc.
Photo from flickr
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Wellness Project
I plan to enroll in a yoga class. I joined a yoga class for two months in 2007 but stopped when I had to change apartment. My new place is far from the yoga studio and I was lazy to commute. Boo!
I like yoga since it really takes away stress and keeps my mind relax. There are a couple of yoga studios near my office. Yoga Studio A is a bit expensive since I need to consume the package (12 classes or so) for two months only. Yoga Studio B is cheaper than Yoga Studio A, but when I looked at their website, I feel like I'll not fit in with other students since the studio seems to be for upper class only. HeeHee.
Now, I've come full circle. I think that it doesn't matter if my previous yoga studio is far from where I live. I'm comfortable with its shala and co-students and the classes are cheap. :) What's a little sacrifice of commuting a little longer in exchange of a stress-free and peaceful mind, right? I know that I'll be obsessive worrying about all the details as we near our wedding, so I need to keep my head above water (so to speak).
Monday, July 20, 2009
Hair Inspiration
BUT, IF I do have a bun, I want the “bun” to be twisted in a different way.

I also like having a flower in my hair.

I also like to have curls, tendril-like hair falling at the nape. Dramatic huh?

Photo 1 from Lifestyle.MSN
Photos 2 and 3 from The Knot
Friday, July 17, 2009
Baby's breath