Saturday, January 18, 2014

100 Happy Days

I've signed up for the 100 Happy Days Challenge. For 100 days, I will post a photo of something or someone which/who made me happy that day. I can use any social media platform to post the photos. I chose Facebook since that is my personal social media page.

Why challenge myself to be happy?

Lately, I've realized that I've changed. I've become a person who was always sad, irritable, and negative to myself and other people. I've often snap at people, and my dialogues reflect a disgruntled woman. Even my photos look unhappy even if I'm smiling at the camera.

A few days ago, I consulted an EENT doctor to check my sore tongue. She's a relative so we've got to talking about our lives after my consultation. She asked me about my TTC journey and what medicine I took. I said, "Clomid." She beamed at me and said that women taking Clomid have a higher chance of having multiple babies. She asked if my OB told me that. My reply in a sarcastic tone: Yeah, but here I am, nothing happened. As I recall my conversation with her, I realized that my statements were said in a way where there's a slight hint of an angry tone. Years ago, I would have given a positive response to questions like that, like, "Yeah, I hope we will be successful this time," or "Yes, even one child and we'll be grateful." But, I've changed.

Hubby also noticed that I've become grumpy, even the littlest things will tick me off. When it comes to talks about infertility treatments, I've become distant and indifferent. I guess years of treatments took its toll on my positivity and hopefulness. In my mind, we've done all there is to done medically to help me conceive but nada. I've even done acupuncture, healthy living, novenas, etc. ZIlch. Kaput.

That's why I took the challenge. That's why I'm consciously looking for something to be happy about on a daily basis. I want to change my perspective and become a more cheery and hopeful person. I hope I'll have a more positive outlook in life after this challenge. 

2014 is a new year and I hope to be a better person this year.


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