Friday, February 27, 2009


After the bridal fair, I got tons of brochures from wedding suppliers. I only sorted them out lately and I made a tally of how much is the ongoing rate of different wedding services available.

First stop, photo and video.

Minimum rate of a photo and video package is P39,000. You get 40 album pages with 80-200 pictures, blow-up picture with frame, 1 non-linear video (I don't know what non-linear means tho), etc. There are companies who offer a traditional package (P15,000-20,000). However, the photographer will use rolls of film instead of the digital one.

For our wedding, I was thinking of hiring a fun photographer. Someone who'll take candid and movement shots. I'm not so into having pictures wherein guests stand in line, compress and smile as the photographer takes the perfect shot of everybody. I'm more into shots which captures people's laughter and emotions. I don't want the usual wedding photographer that acts as a director – shouting instructions on where to go, when to stop and smile, etc.

Note: For weddings outside Manila, there is an out-of-town charge. Not good for us.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Intimate Weddings

I found a website via A Practical Wedding called Intimate Weddings. As the name says, the website promotes intimate weddings. It has articles (which are insightful and fun to read) small weddings of actual couples (not just models) that will inspire you, tips, DIY projects, etc.

If you are like me who wants a simple and intimate wedding, go check it out.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Naive Bride or Just Being Practical?

My 2 BFF and I met over the weekend to talk about The Wedding. As I showed them my wedding budget, they were aghast. They said I underestimated most of the things such as the flowers, food, etc. They cannot believe I budgeted small amounts for this and that. :(

I said I'm being practical. There's global recession and I'm not going to splurge on The Wedding. I'm not going to spend ₱₱₱₱ for my bouquet that will only wilt the next day. For me, it's throwing away money that could well be spent to other important wedding stuff. They joked (but they are serious) that if I don't have money to pay for the flowers, they'll pay for their own bouquets.

Here's part of our conversation:
Me: I just want to relax before the wedding. Let's go to a spa and get massages and body scrubs.
BFF1: We should go to the spa two days before the wedding.
BFF2: You'll be busy the day before.
Me: I don't wanna be busy. (thinks for a moment) What are the things that I'll be busy with?
BFF1: The caterer, the tables, the bouquets, etc.
Me: I don't want to think about those things. I don't want to have alot of expectations. The only thing that is important to me is that my fiancé and I are at the wedding ceremony with our friends and family. Period.
BFF 1 and 2: Impossible.
Me: (Hides under a rock.)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tips when going to a Bridal Fair

Here are some tips I want to share to other brides-to-be when attending a bridal fair.

  • Register online. Most likely, there is a website for the event where you can register. When you are registered, you'll get information on how to get in without having to wait in line. Entrance fee may also be waived for registered users. You not only save time you can also save money! Another plus, when you are registered, you can also receive newsletters and information to other bridal shows that you may want to attend.
  • Create an e-mail account for all wedding stuff. You may want e-mails about wedding be directed to that e-mail account. Use unique accounts like future_mrs, or blushingbride. Mine is soon_to_wed. :)
  • Arrive early. You can see lots of booths and talk to wedding suppliers longer. You don't have to compete with other visitors when you want to know more about the services being offered by a wedding supplier. Peak hours are in the afternoon and evening.
  • Eat before going to the fair. You don't want to cut your trip short when your stomach is grumbling for food.
  • Wear comfortable shoes. Of course.
  • Bring a friend(s) or if your fiancé (if he's up to the challenge). You have someone there on your side whom you can share comments with. Believe me, there are lots of comments and opinions to share.
  • Carry another bag to put your brochures. There are lots of brochures!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Spoils of the War

Here's a tip for those going to a bridal fair: Bring an extra bag or paper bag to carry all the brochures that you'll get at the fair. Unlike me, I had to carry all of those in my hands!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

After the Fair

I went to a bridal fair at Megamall over the weekend with my bestfriend. It was my first (ever) bridal fair to go to and I was a bit excited and still hesitant. I told myself that I'll just do some sort of “window shopping” and not feel awkward if most of the things I'll see at the fair are not included in the wedding plans. I'm there to get inspiration, see what's the trend in weddings and learn how much different wedding services cost nowadays.

Since I pre-registered on the Wedding Library's website, we were able to get into the fair quickly. No writing down my contact information, wedding details, etc. And no entrance fees!

No picture taking is allowed inside the halls. :(

As expected, so many wedding suppliers are in the fair. It's as if all companies related or that can cater to wedding needs are inside the halls. Most of them are photo/video services. Everywhere you look, there are bulky photo albums on tables and sample wedding videos on TVs propped on walls. I noticed that wedding albums on display are big and bulky, with thick leather-bound covers. Usually, the videos are of celebrity weddings they covered. There are lots of visual effects and lovely background songs. Sigh...

Gowns, gowns, gowns! There were the usual white gowns and I saw a colorful gown with lots of embelishments. Most of the gowns have modern designs, some have lots of ruffles and lace. But sad to say, nothing caught my fancy.

I saw invitations which used the Philippine passport as its theme and invites with pop-up caricatures of the bride and groom. So cute and different from the usual invitations! The price: P85-100 each.

Catering services are, of course, present at the fair. Lots and lots of catering services. They invited us to free food tasting to be held at another date and place. Tempting...It's ironic that with all the catering services, we only sampled a mango crepe from one company. Heehee.

Cupcakes are the way to go if you do not want cake. Cupcakes in layers are displayed together with traditional wedding cakes. You can also use cupcakes as souvenirs so your guests can take home something from the celebration.

We sampled some sparkling fruit juices. It's called
Keror. The tagline: “Makes you bubbly not tipsy”. It looks like wine but it's not. I took a sip of the Raspberry while my bestfriend had the White Grapes. We liked the White Grapes. At only P130 for a 750ml bottle of Keror, I'm thinking of serving it to the wedding.

Souvenirs range from bag holders, bath sets for bridesmaids, chocolates, novelty items, wines in small bottles, personalized items, etc.

Hotel and honeymoon packages are available. There's even a real estate booth for those who want to start owning a home.

There's also a booth of the
NSO and DFA – for birth certificates, CENOMAR and passports. So you see, all that you need for a wedding are in the fair. :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Centerpiece Readings

I've hunted down my books and browsed the pages for memorable readings about love, marriage and relationship. Here are what I've come up with so far:

Laura Esquivel

Tenderly, Pedro touched his cheek to Tita's, and his hand on her waist felt hotter than ever.

“Do you remember when we heard this song for the first time?”

“I'll never forget.”

“I couldn't sleep that night, thinking about asking for your hand right then. I didn't know that it would take twenty-two years before I would ask you to be my wife.”

“Are you asking me seriously?”

“Of course. I don't want to die without making you mine. I have always dreamed of walking with you into a church full of white flowers, and you the most beautiful of them all.

Mitch Albom

LOVE, LIKE RAIN, can nourish from above, drenching couples with a soaking joy. But sometimes, under the angry heat of life, love dries on the surface and must nourish from below, tending to its roots, keeping itself alive.

LaVyrle Spencer

“Good...good. Now the times when I want you to remember that are the times when you'll be at cross purposes --- and nobody who remains married for thirty-two, or fifty-two or even two years can avoid them. But disagreements can become arguments, then battles, then wars, unless you learn to compromise. It's the wars you'll have to avoid, and you do that by remembering what you've just told me. That you love each other. All right?” He waited.

“Yessir,” they replied in unison.

“Compromise is the cornerstone of marriage. Can you work things out and reach compromises instead of giving way to anger?”


“Yessir.” Eleanor's eyes couldn't quite meet the judge's as she remembered the egg running down Will's face. Then honesty got the best of her and she added, “I'll try real hard.”

Monday, February 9, 2009

Bridal Fair at Mega

I'm planning to attend a bridal fair. It's called Weddings and Debuts 2009 Bridal Fair to be held at the Megatrade Halls 2 and 3 at SM Megamall on February 13-15.

When lovey-dovey couples are having their Valentine dates, I'll be a bride-to be who is hesitant in attending a bridal fair.

I'll go there with an open mind and empty pockets. :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Project Centerpieces

For the month of February, I'll focus on our centerpieces.

I found inspiration of an eco-friendly and cost-effective centerpieces in the Offbeat Bride website.


I love reading so naturally, I have lots of books at home.

I'll bundle some books and tie with with twine (or used fabric). On top, I’ll place a card. On one side, the name of the table (I'm thinking of putting the name of country The Cook has been to) and on the other side, selected readings about love, marriage and friendship.

I'm excited to start! :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wedding Schedule

Our wedding is/maybe the biggest party I'll ever have in my life. And since I'm sort of an OC, I've drafted a schedule of things to do, especially the DIY projects. Without a schedule, I'll be like a floating feather. No direction. Just floating aimlessly...

Anyways, back on Earth.

Begin with the end in mind. This is from
Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Once you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, you plan what you have to do to reach your destination.

For me, I'll start with the big tasks first so when the BIG DAY nears, I am left with the little tasks.

So, I'm starting with the things for the reception. I plotted the DIY projects for the reception. Based on the resources I have now, I can start with the centerpieces. It's not the biggest task though, I have to do with what I have right now. So, Project Centerpiece, come on down!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Today is our third anniversary.


Here is a song that makes me smile because it fits our story now. Here are a few lines from the song.

Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat

Do you hear me?
I'm talking to you
Across the waters, across the deep blue ocean*
Under the open sky, oh my
Baby I'm trying

Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel you whisper across the sea
Keep you with me in my heart
you make it easier when life gets hard



*The Cook is working overseas.
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