I was 10 minutes late for my 4th session. Rode a bus that took forever. I should've taken a bus with the sign "Fast Lane" which means it is taking the underpass and not the lanes along Farmers Cubao which are always full of buses waiting for passengers.
I was assigned cubicle #7, the last available cubicle in the clinic. Thank God! If I was late for a few more minutes, I would've waited an hour for my turn.
After I dropped my bag on the chair and drank water from my water bottle, Sister Regina immediately entered the cubicle. She instructed me to sit on the bed as she interviewed me. She always ask about my period, the date and the flow. Before the session, Sister looked at my tongue and took my pulse.
Thin needles were inserted in my head, belly, knees and feet. Moxa was placed in a needle on my belly and it burned fast. The smell was strong. After two moxas, the session was finished. And my hair smelled like the moxa's smoke. :)
Everytime I'm in a session, I always wanted to be able to sleep through the session. Since this is the third to the last session, I fervently hope that acupuncture will make me achieve my goal of preparing my body for conception. My mind is full of thoughts about having a baby, about correcting my polycystic ovaries, etc. I collected myself and told my mind to stop these thoughts. I need to meditate. I need to focus on releasing stress and tension and filling my heart and mind with positive thoughts. Good thing, this technique worked. I was able to sleep, even for a few minutes before the session ended. I didn't realize that an assistant has already come to the cubicle to remove the needles.
After each session, it seems that I have just woken up from sleep. I think this is a good thing. In my next session, I will try to quiet my mind and meditate so I will have a longer time of blissful sleep. :)
9 years ago