My visit with my new Reproductive Endocrinologist aka RE aka Fertility Specialist left me wanting. I wanted to learn more about how I could make myself ovulate normally. I want to know if there is anything I could do (food, exercise, meditation, yoga, etc.) that could somehow normalize my hormones and prepare my body for conception.
I searched for natural ways over the Internet and found this wonderful website "Naturally Knocked Up". I am new to the site but I am ovewhelmed with information about getting pregnant using natural methods. It makes me empowered with the fact that I could and would get pregnant without relying to Western medicines. The truth is, having a fertility workup is no fun.
I also came over another parenting site (which I think is a sister site of Naturally Knocked Up though I'm not sure), Natural Parents Network. An article entitled "Overcoming {in}fertility, the Natural Way" caught my eye. If you are like me who is struggling with in- or sub-fertility, read the article for inspiration.
9 years ago