Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Healing Mass

Hubby and I went to a Healing Mass at the Padre Pio Shrine last October 23. A Healing Mass is held every 23rd of the month, 9am and 6pm. Why attend only know even if the shrine is around our community? Blame it on forgetfulness or selective amnesia. We were planning on attending mass at the Padre Pio Church but always had a reason or another to postpone it. Last Saturday was D DAY.

After a therapeutic massage (which hurt and didn't make us relaxed), we hurriedly went to the Padre Pio Church. We were late for the 6pm mass and I was praying that the jeep we're riding will not make any long and unnecessary stops.

As we arrived to the church, there were no parishoners. The doors were closed and only a blue light shone through the window. We're not that late and we were wondering where the people are. We checked the schedule and there really is a Healing mass that night.

An SUV parked in front of the church and a lady went to the side of the church, maybe there is an entrance there. A man told us that the mass is held at the Padre Pio Shrine, a few meters from the church. So we went there. The lady named Consuelo gave us a ride. She said she is scheduled for breast surgery in a few days.

As we reached the Shrine, there were many vehicles parked outside and many people are attending mass. We sat at the back and listened to the homily.

The priest said if your prayers are not yet answered, don't stop praying. Continue to pray to Padre Pio. I'm guilty of that. I stopped praying the novenas when I got my period, thinking it is useless to still pray when there are no days left for Hubby and I to do the baby-dance (how am I so mistaken by that!). I was itching to take pictures but thought it to be disrespectful.

After the mass is the Healing Ritual. Another priest led us to the ritual. As he urged us to sing "Come Holy Spirit", tears were rolling down my eyes. I'm bit ashamed of this emotional outburst but thought that if it is natural for me to cry, then go ahead.

After the singing and humming of "Come Holy Spirit", prayers in the Padre Pio novena (the prayer for healing and intercession of Padre Pio) were said aloud. After the prayers, we were asked to form two lines in the central aisle as we prepare to kiss Padre Pio's relic. Since we were seated at the back, we were the last to kiss the relic. Not to worry about germs in the relic, a Lay Minister swipes the relic with a scented cloth after each kisser.

Those who were finished kissing/praying to the relic will form another line around the alter. The priest will anoint them on the forehead, left palm and right palm, clasp the palms in prayer position and say AMEN.

After the anointing of oil, Hubby and I prayed to the statue of Padre Pio, Jesus and Mama Mary. The whole experience was very solemn and very peaceful.

As Ate Consuelo said her prayers, she bid us goodbye. I hugged her and told her we'll be praying for her. She gave me a somewhat smile and sigh for that. We only knew each other at that moment, she didn't even got our names, but it seems she's our close friend, a relative. I hope someday we'll meet again.

Friday, October 22, 2010


So, Hubby's departure for his new contract overseas has been postponed again. He's supposed to leave last weekend. We decided not to visit our OB this month since we thought the workup would be left hanging when he leaves.

I can say that I'm more relaxed now than the previous months. No meds to worry about, no more transvaginal sonograms (TVS), no more "contact sched", no more tests. [insert sigh] I just let it be. If God blesses us a baby this month even without treatments, we are very grateful. If not, we are still very grateful since this ordeal strengthens my relationship with Hubby.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cookies from Pantoja

I have a new favorite cookie-- Oatmeal Raisin Cookies from Panaderia de Pantoja. A pack of 6 cookies costs P28.

It's crunchy outside and moist inside with lots of raisins. Love it!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Floral and Garden Show

My mother, Hubby and I went to Los Baños, Laguna for the annual "Floral and Garden Show". Mother is an orchid lover and only during this event can she buy orchids at a much lesser cost. It was slightly raining that day but it didn't dampen our spirits of going to UPLB.

This event has a floral arrangement competition and we first walked around to see the winners. The flowers are breath taking! Mother is filled with envy. :)

Nursery owners are divided in two areas -- trees (not sure if this is the correct term) and commercial. We went to the area where tree seedlings are sold. I saw cactus, air plants that costs much, different seedlings and I saw a plant with an unusual leaf shape. the plant's leaves are shaped like butterflies you will think you are seeing butterfly infestation in the plant. Bummer I wasn't able to take its picture. I wasn't able to see its name too.

After touring the area, we bought 2 calamansi seendlings which already bear fruit, a Maharlika rambutan, and a dwarf pomelo.

Next, we visited the Commercial part of the garden show. Stalls are lined in three columns. Mother immediately saw orchids and was already talking to the owner before I was able to take pictures.

Saw small pitcher plants for sale at P50.

I saw these potted herbs. I've been wanting to cultivate herbs for our future herb garden. Hubby was not that optimistic, saying it's too early to buy these herbs. But I persuaded him and he gave in! We have sage, Java mint and rosemary all for P100! I will research on how to take care of these babies so Hubby will be proud.

This type of orchid costs P90 each. Mother, being an orchid fanatic, bought all the orchids she could buy with her pocket money.

At the end of the trip, Mother said "I'm so happy!" and that's all that matters.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Next Year

I have sad news. This cycle of fertility workup was not a success.

A few days before my scheduled pregnancy test, I had some mild cramps. That symptom alerted me that this month is not our month of conceving a baby. I have some doubts about it because deep inside, I want us to have a baby. He's leaving for overseas work in a few days and we wanted a baby when he returns.

Everyday I prayed and said a novena to Padre Pio, St. Gerard Majella and Pope John Paul II for me to conceive. But, this is not our time yet.

With a heavy heart, I accept this but not removing hopefullness in the future. What this past few months taught me is we may do all we can to conceive but only God decides in the end. He has a much greater plan for Hubby and I.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Books by Color

image from colourlovers

As I was watching a show on cable about green homes (forgot the title), I saw a house wherein they arranged their books by colors of the rainbow. The owner said it is more interesting that way. And I thought that's a great idea!

I have books at home that are kept in different cabinets and tables. They're not organized. They're just there. Wherever a book fits. I know I should be penalized for doing these to my precious books but I have no proper book shelf at home.

So, when Hubby and I build our house, we will most definitely have lots of bookshelves. And I would do the "color blocking". Instead of filing my books by title or genre, I will use the color of their spines to organize. I'll try to do this over the weekend, just to try it.

Sounds like fun!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Magical Beginnings

I am not yet pregnant and here I already have a collection of books about pregnancy and breastfeeding. I told myself I should read these books and get informed prior to getting pregnant. But another part of me is saying that I should put off reading since I may get depressed reading something that is not yet happening to me.

I decided to first read Deepak Chopra's "Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives" (I admit, I first heard about Deepak Chopra in Mike Myers' film "Love Guru") which I bought on a secondhand shop. It discusses different ways to experience your pregnancy in a holistic way. Since I'm on a fertility workup which entails me to take lots of drugs, I thought I should be as holistic as possible if and when I get pregnant.

It's an inspiring book that gives you a new way to see and deal with pregnancy.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Favorite Place -- Booksale

It's the end of the month. It's payday. It's the time for me to go to a second-hand book shop called Booksale. I told myself a month ago that I should limit my book buying to once a month to control my budget and to have proper organization of my books. I usually go over budget when I'm in a secondhand book shop. In book stores where prices are astounding, I rarely go overboard, maybe buying one or two, at the most, books. But in a secondhand bookshops, I can go gaga!

I was excited as I left the office and walked my way to the nearest mall. No rain can prevent me from going to Booksale. I tried to give myself a maximum budget to splurge in my book hoarding, I mean, hunting, but failed. I reasoned that I only go once a month, might as well buy all the books that I want. Yes, it's bad for my wallet and I have to re-train myself to mind my purchases.

My feet felt giddy. If I could run to the mall, I would but that won't look so nice. I even hummed as I walk the mall's pavement. Imagine me, humming! Just because of a trip to the book shop. I must be losing it.

There were a few customers at Booksale, mostly guys. Maybe the ladies will be here a little later.

I went to the Bestseller section and immediately saw a familiar book cover. It's a Sidney Sheldon novel entitled "Nothing Lasts Forever"! (swoon) I haven't read this before in my history of Sheldon reading. I picked it up, checked the price, it's P130. Good!

I browsed the other shelves and did not find anything that I might like to read. I thought that I should look more intently to the titles so I can pick up another book. Then, I saw "Mosaic" by Soheir Khashoggi. I saw this book in a bookstore and thought of adding it to my Book Wish List. Now, I have to delete it from the list. Mosaic is priced at P80.

Founding "Mosaic" seemed to open my eyes in finding other interesting books. I saw "Tara Road" by Maeve Binchy which costs P80. I thought I should look for other Tara Road books since at Booksale, they have different pricing for the same book, depending on its newness and the quality of the paper (sometimes there are books with warped pages, this costs less).

Behind me, two girlfriends are talking about the books they have. One said she has "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett for P35. Thirty-five pesos?!

The game of Finders Keepers is on! When they left, I quickly looked at the table/shelf where I assumed they got the 35-peso book. I want to have a cheap book also. :) I thought I have honed my bargain hunting of books but I was wrong.

There, at the bottom shelf, was another copy of Tara Road...for P45. I also saw "The Pilot's Wife" by Aniita Shreve for P45, which I bought for P80 last month. Bummer. See how patiently looking for books would give you much savings?

My buy of the day would be "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle for P60. I've been meaning to buy this book years ago but haven't got the chance. Now I have it.

At the end of my book hunting, I was able to purchase 5 books for P345. Five books at the cost of one fiction novel in bookstores! Weeee!

Monday, October 4, 2010

September Goals - Revisited

As the start of a new month, I revisited my goals for September to see what I've accomplished. Here were my goals last month:

1. clean my closet and remove clothes which I haven't used and will not use in the future --> done!

2. recycle the jars/bottles and use them as container for salt, garlic powder, paprika and other seasonings --> totally forgot about this. :(

3. plant the seedlings which we purchased over the weekend to our lot --> no time to do this

4. update the layout of the collection of German and Russian recipes I searched on the Internet. This is for the Hubby, by the way. --> done!

5. try to cross-stitch at least 2 hours on weekends. My cross-stitch project has been left undone for several months now. --> half-done. I wasn't able to cross-stitch every weekend.

Well, well, I scored 2.5. Not good enough for me. I'll try to work more for reaching my goals.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Pilot's Wife

image from here

The Pilot's Wife is the first Anita Shreve novel that I've finished reading. I bought it in Booksale for P80. (I love Booksale!).

The novel is about a widow who comes to terms about the sudden death of his husband and the double life he had lead when he was alive. Memories of Kathry Lyons' with her deceased husband alternates chapters telling her story in the present. Nice style of writing, if I may say so. As the chapter about the present ends, I automatically shift my mindset to read a chapter about Kathryn's life in the past.

At first, I felt that the novel was dragging, with its highly descriptive narration. I'm used to reading Sidney Sheldon's novels where it is fast paced, spanning different locations and time. But, this lengthy narration is a plus for the novel since it makes you visualize where and how the story happens. It seems that you are watching Kathryn as she laugh, cry in sorrow and become angry with things which are out of her control.

As the novel nears its end, I found myself reading and flipping the pages quickly. I wanted more spare time so I can read till the end. I want to know what happens to Kathryn and her child. I asked myself what I would do if I were in Kathryn's shoes. And I'm not disappointed as I read the last paragraphs of the novel.The ending is perfect for all the turmoil Kathryn experienced after her husband's death. It maintained Kathryn Lyons as a lady.
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